Behold, it is foretold: Every 10 years in June, a bear will wander into the city limits Washington, D.C.
· Jun 9, 2023 ·

It was ten years ago to the month, under a moon very much like this one, that D.C. residents were briefly terrorized — okay, not exactly terrorized, but mildly amused — when a bear came into the sacred city limits of the Capitol City:

A small black bear evaded sweat-stained animal control and police officers for a couple hours. The officers chased the animal through dozens of properties in the Spring Valley, a wooded neighborhood near Rock Creek Park.

Be it also foretold that the police will stick the bear in question with a potent combination of sleep-inducing ketamine and xyalinze. That's what happened in 2013:

[T]he young bear ... was finally tranquilized with a dart in a backyard.

Now, ten cycles have gone by, ten Junes to the month, and yet again D.C. is greeted by the great furry Interloper:

A large black bear that briefly ran loose through backyards in Northeast D.C. after being perched in a tree for a few hours Friday morning has been safely captured — and could soon be released back into the wild.

Many years have passed since the 2013 equinox. Many more people have cellular devices known as "smart phones." And so this time around we have real footage of this decade's sighting:

As was his bearish brother before him, this bear, too, was darted, and will soon be unceremoniously tossed like a ragdoll into "the wilderness in Maryland," aka Baltimore.

We look with ursine anticipation to 2033!

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