You may think that you're woke. And you may think you're pro-choice. But I don't know of anything as woke and pro-choice as this particular individual.
Jo Luehmann, whose Twitter bio states that she is committed to "decolonizing faith and spirituality" has the most superwoke take on abortion you have ever seen.
Translation: It's better for black babies to be murdered than to have white parents.
Imagine switching the statement:
"I would rather get an abortion than have a white child who ends up being adopted by black evangelicals. It is not a kindness to children of the European minority to give them to people who'll traumatize them with self and ancestral hatred."
Abortion is an act of love.
Well, it's an act of self-love and self-worship... and in this case, love of one's race and hatred of another race and religion.
(But I'm sure she considers herself an anti-racist, considering how much she hates white people.)
Luehmann didn't just tweet this and walk away though. Nope, she doubled and tripled down:
Look at this tweet. It's amazing.
Translation: "I didn't advocate murdering children I tweeted I would prefer [murdering children] over letting white evangelicals adopt my kid."
Science lesson: Abortion kills a unique human life. Not a potential life, not a clump of cells, but a human being made in the image of God.
The problem is that this lady is too far gone to realize that.
After the first trimester, abortionists usually have to literally rip a child out of the womb with surgical tools. Go and listen to the testimonies of abortionists.
This lady knows nothing about what abortion actually is:
White people, as an entire race, are not loving parents!
Then there's the whole anti-Christian/Evangelical thing. This lady tweets about faith and Jesus (she says he's not a Christian lol).
In tweet after tweet, she denies that slavery was a common occurrence throughout all human history, or that the black slave trade started with black tribes selling other black tribes into slavery, or that the Arab slave trade was even more brutal and much longer lasting than the horrors of the European trans-Atlantic trade (it still exists today, folks).
She talks about western governments "bombing black babies" as justification for abortion, while completely forgetting that many white people fiercely disagreed with the wars their government waged, or that western Christians β filled with all their "Eurocentric" ideas β have given more to charity in the last century, especially for countries outside of their own, than any other demographic group in history. Christians of every denomination today are continuing in the footsteps of the early church, which used to rescue the unwanted babies dumped in the landfills of the Greco-Roman world.
In fact, this idea that people have inherent, God-given worth and rights comes exclusively from Judeo-Christian teaching.
But the people who believe in the sanctity of life β and were told by their Messiah that it would be better to have a boulder tied around their neck and to be tossed into the ocean than to lead a child astray (let alone kill them) β are this lady's version of the devil.
At least... if they have certain levels of melanin in their skin...
(We used to have a word for people who hated people subjectively based on skin color.)
Our friend and diagnostician of all things woke, Wokal Distance, has some answers on how we got to this stage of clown world:
I found the racism that's alive and well in America, ladies and gentleman!
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