Ben & Jerry's has partnered with Colin Kaepernick to release a vegan ice cream flavor promoting wokeness and I just threw up in my mouth a little 🤢
· Dec 10, 2020 ·

Yes, this is real. Yes, they just called it "the flavor that's supporting the fight to dismantle systems of oppression." Yes, the flavor is called "Change the Whirled." 😭

Get a load of this video from Ben & Jerry's that plays out like satire that's poorly written and too on-the-nose:

Take a minute to really bask in the opening sentences of that video, and let me remind you that this is NOT the Bee.

Ready to change the "whirled"? Ben & Jerry's and Colin Kaepernick are teaming up in the struggle against police violence, systemic racism, and white supremacy. It's time to dismantle systems of oppression and create alternatives rooted in community, accountability, and well-being. This is what resistance looks like.

Reminder: This is a commercial for ice cream.

My goodness, ladies and gentlemen. The world truly is going insane.

And the Woke Circus rolls on!

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