Ben Shapiro just destroyed Rep. Eric Swalwell at a House Judiciary Committee hearing
· Jul 10, 2024 ·

Ben Shapiro was on Capitol Hill on Wednesday testifying at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on "Collusion in the Global Alliance for Responsible Media" when Rep. Eric Swalwell took the floor and tried to "gotcha" Shapiro into speaking on Project 2025, an agenda which Democrats think President Trump is into for some reason, even though he's not.

The encounter ended up being an instant classic Ben Shapiro moment, so I must show it to you here.

"I want less efficiency."

Dude finally said something I can take his word on!


But wait, there's more…


Ben mopped the floor with him!

Rep. Swalwell, you're making Fang Fang proud up there! Keep up the good work, buddy!

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