Bestselling author Don Winslow is the type of liberal public figure who ought never to hop on a new pop culture cancellation.
Case in point: This tweet (screenshot cuz he'll prob delete):
Well whadaya know, The Rock decided to make Don Winslow's day with this response:
If you've seen the Rogan clip, which I'm sure you have, then we're all clear on the rules of the game: A white person is not allowed to communicate the N-word, ever, even if quoting someone else, even if describing a situation. Right?
Well someone decided to go ahead and do a quick scan through some of Winslow's bestselling books. And what do you think they found?
[Language warning + pack a lunch]
That's just a quick sample. Can you imagine how many N-words would appear if you surveyed every word Winslow's ever written??
"Oh, that's completely different," right? Gimme a break.
Live by the woke, die by the woke.
I'd say poor Winslow's clock is ticking.
P.S. Now check out OUR latest video: CNN's Brian Stelter doesn't know why people trust Joe Rogan. Let me help you, Brian. ๐