This video of a snowflake lefty pretending to be hit by a truck during the Ottawa protest pretty much sums up what today's Left is all about
· Feb 7, 2022 ·

So, by now we've all heard of the Freedom Convoy and their monumental occupation of Ottawa. We know the libs are all butt hurt about it, and it's more than predictable that we find scenes like this coming out of Canada's Capital.


The video above is a great analogy for today's Left and the way they go about canceling people they disagree with.

If you're wondering if this is faked or if the guy was actually okay, here's the follow-up (language and salty leftist tears warning):

First off, as the Left, we must identify our target, which, in this instance, is obviously the entire Freedom Convoy. They're the bad guys who disagree with us. We hate them because they're doing bad things.

Next, we get out there and voice our disgust with the target. We usually spout this fake outrage on Twitter, but here we see it in person.

But here's the most important piece of the cancellation puzzle: we must find a way to show that the target has hurt us in at least some fashion.

Again, this is usually done online, and normally it's our feelings that have been hurt by naughty words the target has said in the past. However, here we see it live, in person, and with some "very serious" physical harm.

And after faking our injury like LeBron James in the NBA Finals, we finally gain the support of people in the center who usually don't pay attention to these kinds of things. They feel our pain too, because we did such a good job of faking it (nice job!).

At this point the game is over. Everyone is on our side due to the appeal to pity, and we go about our day having canceled yet another movement or person we disagree with.

It's just too bad this incident was caught on camera, or else we could've canceled the entire Freedom Convoy!

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇

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