Reporter Asks Biden: "As A Catholic, Why Do You Support Abortion?" Jill Biden Has To Drag Him Away From The Confrontation 😬
· Mar 2, 2022 ·

Joe Biden, who we have been informed many times is a "devout Catholic" (he even has ashes on his forehead for Ash Wednesday) was asked why he supports abortion and Roe v. Wade.

His answer left a lot to be desired.

Reporter: How do you support abortion as a Catholic.

Biden: I tell you what, I don't wanna get into a debate with you on theology but you know, well anyway, I'm not gonna make a judgment for other people.

"I'm not gonna make a judgment for other people"?

So much for being a "devout Catholic."

You notice how the very second the question about abortion comes out of the reporter's mouth, Jill springs into action to rescue Joe from the situation?

It's most certainly a teaching of the Catholic Church (and the Bible itself) that abortion is murder. And it's most certainly not a teaching of the Catholic Church that people should be allowed to choose for themselves without judgment.

But that's Biden's political answer. He has no actual answer to the question. There's no way he can actually reconcile his supposed faith with his political position.

The Bible speaks often with dire warnings for men like him!

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