Broadcast aficionados will be familiar with the mysterious radio station UVB-76, aka "the Buzzer," which since at least the 1970s has been broadcasting an eerie monotone buzz 24 hours a day, with the broadcast intermittently punctuated by inscrutable Russian broadcasts. It's believed to be a spy station from the days of the USSR.
Well, in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, hackers have apparently started muscling onto the frequency to play a variety of popular musical selections for anyone who might be listening:
You can listen to a live broadcast of the Buzzer here. By Tuesday afternoon the buzzer itself appeared to be in working order, though a sub-broadcast of music was still clearly and continuously audible.
A Not the Bee review of the station heard the classic Village People hit "YMCA" as well as what sounded like furious Eastern European late-wave electronic body music.
If you need to boogie down to some sweet beats, tune into UVB-76 courtesy of the Russian Federation!