Where to even begin??
Let's start with Joe's talking point today about abortion at this Democratic National Committee event at the Howard Theatre in Washington.
POTUS says that not killing babies is having generational impact:
So it's affecting people by [checks notes] letting people exist?
Anyway, then Joe gave us all a reminder that he would make no-limits abortion a federal law if the Dems win the midterms:
Thanks for that totally-not-radical position, Joe!
Next, we come to Joe's greatest accomplishment: pushing hard... to get changed... to marry couples... in the privacy of their bedroom. 🤷♂️

He's talking about gay marriage, but dang it if he didn't make it sound really weird and incoherent as only Joe Biden can do. And if you think I'm joking, look at how he pronounces the 2012 Obergefell SCOTUS case on gay marriage that he supposedly championed:
The sheer terror in his eyes before he attempted that word...
It takes real skill to butcher the English language that badly, folks.
At the end of his speech, Biden said he was sorry immediately after asking God to bless the nation and our troops, then paused for a super long time before stepping back up to the mic and clarifying that he was apologizing for his "back."

Lastly, we get the Creepy Joe moment that you knew was coming:
The heck???
I just can't. Someone give Joe a pudding cup and a nap so I don't have to ponder the horror that this man leads America.