Biden's DOJ charges more pro-lifers with FACE Act violations
· Feb 27, 2023 ·

The Biden DOJ is targeting pro-lifers at an alarming rate. Merrick Garland's DOJ has arrested multiple pro-life Americans over the last year, and even as charges against Catholic leader Mark Houck failed, the Biden admin is continuing to find more people to persecute.

This time, a group from Michigan is in the DOJ's crosshairs.

The Justice Department announced Wednesday indictments against eight pro-life activists stemming from a protest at a Michigan abortion clinic, the latest charges in the Biden administration's post-Roe crackdown.

The department released the Feb. 15 federal grand jury indictment on conspiracy and violations of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act in connection with an August 2020 protest at the Northland Family Planning Clinic in Sterling Heights.

Oh, by the way, how many of the pro-abortion terrorists who bombed abortion clinics have been charged?

Can we get an update on that number? As far as I'm aware there have been TWO arrested after MORE THAN A HUNDRED attacks.

Anyways, back to these dangerous pro-lifers who want to pray for and help women so they don't go have a doctor chop their babies to pieces:

The defendants, Calvin Zastrow, Chester Gallagher, Heather Idoni, Caroline Davis, Joel Curry, Justin Phillips, Eva Edl and Eva Zastrow, were accused of conspiring to block the clinic and then carrying out a blockade.

In addition, Ms. Idoni and Ms. Edl were also charged with FACE Act violations in an April 2021 blockade of a clinic in Saginaw, Michigan.

Mr. Gallagher advertised the protest on social media, and he and Mr. Curry livestreamed the incident. An "uncharged co-conspirator" recorded the protest and said the group was "going over to stand in front of the door" of the clinic and "interpose," the indictment said.

"The indictment also alleges that all eight defendants violated the FACE Act by using physical obstruction to intimidate and interfere with the Sterling Heights clinic's employees and patients, because the clinic's employees were providing, and the patients were seeking, reproductive health services," the department said.

When a patient attempted to enter the clinic to obtain a prescription for birth control, Mr. Curry refused to move and said, "We're not letting anyone in," according to the indictment.

Yeah, some pro-lifers stood in the door of an abortion clinic to discourage women from hiring someone to murder their children and now they're facing up to 11 years in prison.

Meanwhile, Democrats are vandalizing and bombing pro-life pregnancy centers and nothing happens.

CatholicVote president Brian Burch said that Wednesday's announcement "further confirms that this Administration will spare no expense or resource when it comes to hunting down pro-life Americans."

He accused the department of failing to show the same zeal in pursuing the vandals who have attacked 81 pro-life offices and pregnancy centers since the Supreme Court draft opinion was leaked May 2, according to the CatholicVote tracker...

"The shame is that they have no interest in equally pursuing pro-abortion domestic criminals that have vandalized and desecrated hundreds of churches and pregnancy care centers," Mr. Burch said. "The Department of Justice should not play favorites when enforcing the law, yet that seems to be the new policy. Once again, when it comes to abortion, all pretense of equal justice is abandoned

I couldn't have said it myself.

It's open season on pro-lifers and "moderate" Joe Biden is leading the charge.

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