According to a press release from the Department of Justice, 11 pro-life activists are being indicted for protesting outside a Nashville abortion clinic.
Here's a link to a video of that protest, where the pro-life activists pray and sing in a stairwell and hallway outside the clinic, which is housed inside a shared medical facility:
Much like the Mark Houck case, the participants were arrested at the time on minor trespassing charges, but the charges were dropped and their records expunged.
Unlike the Houck case, there was no violence of any sort at the Tennessee clinic.
Instead the DOJ is attempting to call the prayer and worship a conspiracy of the attendants to "blockade" the clinic, so they can be charged under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, which makes it a federal crime to
use force with the intent to injure, intimidate, and interfere with anyone trying to access either abortion at an abortion business or medical care at a pregnancy center.
The chief "conspirator" listed on the indictment is Chester Gallagher (72).
According to reports, FBI agents showed up guns drawn and entered his home. However, Gallagher was out of town at the time, and the agents began to question neighbors to discover his whereabouts.
Other co-conspirators were contacted by the FBI in less dramatic ways informing them of the warrants for their arrests.
Normally, the FBI investigates crimes and then sends recommendations to the Justice Department regarding charges, but Mark Houck's lawyer says that there's evidence these investigations are being run by Merrick Garland and the DOJ, and they are recommending arrests to the FBI, which is a huge change in procedure, and essentially weaponizes the FBI for the Biden administration's policies.

The biggest question bouncing around in my head is how will the fall of Roe v Wade affect this case? As of August 25, 2022, all abortions have been banned in Tennessee. The clinic in question is gone. The charges seem moot in this case, especially considering that some of the pro-life activists were already charged with misdemeanors.
It's intimidation and persecution, pure and simple.
(By the way, dozens of pregnancy centers around the nation have been vandalized with death threats and firebombed and the FBI has arrested ZERO people.)
This is the trouble with not teaching history. If the Left was really this opposed to Christianity, they'd have continued giving us freedom of religion. That was working pretty well. Churches were closing left and right. Believers were essentially apathetic.
However, history shows that nothing spreads Christianity faster than persecution.
Just ask China.
If you start persecuting us, all the Sunday Christians are going to drop out, and the rest of us are going to get excited that we're worthy of suffering for the sake of the Gospel, roll up our sleeves, and start living like God's real.

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇