Black Lives Matter was foundational to Joe Biden's campaign. Their anger and race-baiting was seminal in the narrative that the foundational institutions of America are racist and corrupt β and that we need a career politician like Ol' Joe to lead us into a shining new era of utopia based on "equity" over equality.

Think about it: besides weaponizing COVID-19, the BLM riots were the other big thing that kept American minds on the narrative that leftists wanted to spin. By turning criminals into martyrs and stoking racial tensions, they were able to force almost everyone in America to discuss what they wanted to discuss and take sides on the line they had drawn in the sand.
After the media establishment declared Biden the heir-apparent for the presidency, BLM wasted no time sending him a list of demands. In a letter, they demanded a seat at the table, saying they "want something" for their vote and that Biden must take his "direction" from "black grassroots organizers."
Translation: We gave you the keys to power, now pay up.
BLM did not only demand, but expected an active role within the Biden administration. After all, this man who has been in D.C. for 48 years was supposed to be the chosen one to fix our systemic problem of patriarchal white colonialism!!
Turns out, they got shafted.
On Tuesday, Biden held a "virtual conclave" with "seven civil rights leaders and Biden, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris and Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-LA), an incoming senior adviser to the president." Not a single leader from the entire BLM organization or movement was invited.

At the meeting, Biden talked about "racial equity" and topics such as his Cabinet appointees, "restoring" the Justice Department, and police reform.
Double Ouch.
One of the invitees was America's favorite race-baiter, Al Sharpton, who talked about how to solve our nation's "heightened, racist, bigoted atmosphere" through executive power. Other attendees included the heads of the National Urban League and the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.
Triple Ouch.
BLM responded with fire and fury.
"Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Rep. Cedric Richmond met with several civil rights groups yesterday," the organization tweeted. "BLMβas the largest social and justice movement in historyβwas not invited."
The tweets got angrier from there. After saying it was "unacceptable" to set up such a meeting without anyone from BLM present, the organization said they "deserve a seat at the table" and that they are "tired of waiting."
For those of us who have studied the tides of history, the depravity of mankind, and the tendency to abuse power β things our Founding Fathers were very concerned with β the reality of an executive leader using a group to sow mayhem in order to gain more power is nothing new. It's one of the oldest games in the book.
Apparently, that's a lesson BLM is learning the hard way.

As if that wasn't enough, BLM is apparently learning another lesson from history: that movements based on vindictiveness and covetousness inevitably implode with infighting. BLM has started centralizing money and resources away from local chapters toward national leadership, causing the movement to splinter.
"Ten local chapters are severing ties with the Black Lives Matter Global Network, as the national leadership is known," writes Politico. "They are furious that Patrisse Cullors, its remaining co-founder, assumed the role of executive director of the group and made these decisions without their input."
You may remember that Cullors is the one who described herself as a "trained Marxist." Commies gonna commie!