Border Patrol catches 15,000 "migrants" crossing into Vermont sector in 10 months ... more than the previous 13 YEARS combined
· Jul 25, 2024 ·

If you listened to Joe Biden's (maybe final) address to the nation last night, you heard him announce that the border is totally solved.

Thanks not-so-much-border czar Kamala Harris!

Biden was lying.

Things are still out of control, and not just along the southern border.

According to one chief patrol agent, more than 15,000 people were apprehended in the Swanton Sector, which spans five upstate New York counties, three New Hampshire counties, and the entirety of Vermont.

That's more than the previous 13 years combined.

You'll only see things like this increase if the border isn't closed:

Which part of the border is going to see an invasion next?

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