Gay polyamorous "throuple" are now coming out with a parenting book
· Feb 25, 2021 ·

Four years after a judge approved the request of a gay polyamorous three-some to be listed on the birth certificates of two children they had through surrogates, the California "throuple" is coming out with a book detailing their insights as parents.

Here's the nauseating web of how this happened. Two men named Ian and Alan started dating in 2003. Not satisfied with a single partner, the men invited a third dude, Jeremy, to join them in their relationship.

After awhile, the love triangle decided they want to have kids, but only possessing those pesky XY chromosomes made that impossible. Instead, a friend named Meghan offered to donate her eggs, because fun!

The fertilized eggs were then implanted in two separate surrogates who carried both a girl and a boy to term, then gave them to their "daddy," "dada," and "papa."

In 2017, a judge allowed all three men to be listed on their daughter's birth certificate, which rightly only lists "mother" and "father" according to both biological fact and the moral ordering of the world. Their second child, a 14-month-old boy, has the same listed on his birth certificate.

The "throuple" is now "opening up" about their parenting experience in a new book that I'm sure Amazon will promote while it bans anything critical of postmodern sexual ideology:

The book is called Three Dads and a Baby, a play on the 80s hit film Three Men and a Baby.

Ian, who authored the book, says he is glad to live in "liberal" California because other states that teach biology, practice sound psychology, and fear God are "brutal."

"I really worry about someone who lives somewhere that's not as accepting as California and wants to live this kind of life and can't move. Some states are just brutal. They make every effort to impair parenting by nontraditional families and are really unhelpful. I'm hoping this starts the wheels turning that families come in lots of different arrangements."

Have you ever considered that perhaps some states are "impairing" such "nontraditional families" because of their moral understanding of God's sacred design for sex, family, and bringing life into the world? Or perhaps they are tapping the brakes on changing how humans have reared children throughout history because of extensive studies that show the damage to children and society when that design is not followed?

We live in a self-centered culture where our happiness is the end goal no matter the means. You can live however you'd like, and when you want right and good things like children, you can bend all sorts of ethical and biological rules to get what you want no matter the collateral damage. If the parents are happy, the argument goes, the children will be happy.

Here was some straight fire on that assumption from children's rights activist Katy Faust:

"That slippery slope of 'if the adults are happy the children will be happy' which began with no-fault divorce, normalized single mothers by choice, insisted gender is irrelevant to parenting during the gay marriage debate, is now championing male throuples raising motherless children," said Faust in an interview with The Christian Post.

"Until we recognize that children have a natural and fundamental right to be known and loved by both their mother and father, you can expect more wild variations of the modern family, as children become the acceptable sacrifice on the pyre of adult desires."

I have nothing more to add except this:

Pray for our children, folks.

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