California liberal “absolutely baffled” by all the Trump supporters at a rally who said they’d be his friend
· Sep 7, 2022 ·

It's always fun to see people's stereotypes get absolutely busted.

A lefty YouTuber from California decided to meet up with a bunch of conservatives and Trump supporters at a rally and he was absolutely SHOCKED to discover that we're actually really nice people.

Here, he goes on Fox News to describe his experience:

Maybe Jennifer Lawrence needs to spend time with people she disagrees with, as this young man did.

Here's his full video of all the MAGA friends he now has (someone alert the FBI):

The dude was expecting a hostile and aggressive crowd, but he was greeted with nothing but kindness and friendly engagement.

The dude traveled to Tennessee to enter "the most hostile environment I could."

If that doesn't reveal his bubble I don't know what would. Tennessee is home to probably the nicest people in the world.

The dude was invited to a women's Bible study, and he went!

Here's what he and his buddy had to say about that experience:

This is what we need to see more of. Our enemies aren't the people on the other side of the aisle.

We're fighting against ideas, not individuals.

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