Since the beginning of the pandemic, California has done absolutely everything it possibly could to destroy trust in their public school situation.
So it's no surprise that the LA Times is reporting an ENORMOUS drop in public school enrollment in the state of California:
There are 110,000 fewer students in California this year.
That's not an insignificant number.
California public school enrollment has dropped for the fifth year in a row — a decline of more than 110,000 students — as K-12 campuses struggle against pandemic disruptions and a shrinking population of school-age kids amid wide concerns that the decrease is so large that educators can't account for the missing children.
California enrollment stood at 5,892,240 when measured in the fall of 2021, a 1.8% decline, according to state data released Monday. It is the first time since 2000 that the state's K-12 population has dipped below 6 million, with large urban districts accounting for one-third of the drop.
"Educators can't account for the missing children."
Well, let me give them an idea.
Besides the entire state of California shrinking and people fleeing the state, the government schools there have consistently shown that they do not have the best interest of children in mind.
Even if you remain in Cali, you'd have to be crazy to send your kid to one of their schools.
While public school enrollment has experienced a downward trend since 2014-15, state education officials largely blamed the pandemic for the plummeting numbers over the last two years. This year's decline, which includes charter schools, follows a huge enrollment hit during the 2020-21 school year, when the state experienced the largest drop in 20 years, with 160,000 students. In March 2020 the pandemic closed campuses in California and across the country, forcing schools into distance learning, many for nearly a year.
"One of the questions that we just have to come back to is, just where are those kids?" said Heather J. Hough, executive director of the Policy Analysis for California Education. "We don't have satisfying data to answer that question."
It's not the pandemic's fault. It's YOUR response to the pandemic that's the problem. Florida didn't close schools for more than a year and blame a disease that doesn't affect children, and they're doing totally fine.
If you want an answer to your question, let me give you a few reasons why people are fleeing your schools, California.
How about school boards vocally trashing parents for wanting the schools to open back:
Or maybe it's the social distancing prison camp situation children are put in:
Maybe starting the 2020 school year by telling all the white students that they are racist wasn't the best method to keep parents happy:
It couldn't be that schools were planning to use a curriculum that literally promoted "white genocide" that encouraged folks to leave, was it?
Maybe if the public schools in California weren't so woke that they let trans-identifying ADULT MALES sleep in the same rooms as little girls, then just maybe people wouldn't be fleeing your education system:
And they are still confused about why 110,000 children are suddenly gone from their schools??
If anything, it's a mystery as to why there are ANY children left attending California public schools.
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