California reparations bills stalled as state moves to give illegal immigrants $150,000 toward down payments for homes
· Sep 3, 2024 ·
California blacks, let's celebrate!

You are now second to illegal immigrants when it comes to free stuff!

While California lawmakers have passed legislation to grant illegal immigrants up to $150,000 toward home down payments in the state, a pair of bills aimed at providing reparations to black residents has stalled.

The pair of bills, authored by Democrat state Senator Steven Bradford, are Senate Bill 1331, which would have created a new state fund for reparations, and Senate Bill 1403, which would have created a new state agency to oversee these efforts and determine eligibility, according to Fox News.

I guess the Democrats know they've got the black vote covered (or don't care about them as much anymore), so they're now looking for that illegal alien vote.

Sure, they'll throw a few handouts at the blacks when needed, but only enough to keep them reliant on the State.

They're onto bigger and better things now!

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