A woman was arrested in northern California last week after she was seen driving a silver Kia Rio that had been reported stolen.
The suspect, 38-year-old Angel Rachiene Bolton, had gotten creative with the stolen vehicle, drawing a DIY license plate that she had resourcefully made out of printer paper and duct taped to the back of the car.
Obviously, she didn't want to leave the real license plate on the car. That would be dumb.

Unfortunately for her, the police didn't fall for her forgery. Not to mention she Sharpied in an expired registration date.
The Benicia Police Department posted a picture of the license plate on Facebook, saying,
We know we are not superheroes, but just FYI this is NOT a way to get one over on us.
In the suspect's defense, her handwriting is very good. Maybe she can find a way to turn that into a marketable skill while she's sitting in the Solano County jail.
And if not, at least she'll have a chance to practice her license plate-making skills along with the other inmates.

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