"Capitalism is slavery," says new Congressman who I guess we are supposed to take seriously.
· Dec 23, 2020 · NottheBee.com

New York Congressman-Elect Jamaal Bowman is a prospective member of "The Squad," which is a bit of a surprise as I would have thought it too moderate and mainstream for him.

It might be useful here to revisit what slavery really is.

[She] lay down upon the ground with her face toward the overseer, who continued to flog her with the raw-hide, across her naked loins and thighs, with as much strength as before. She now shrunk away from him, not rising, but writhing, groveling, and screaming, 'Oh, don't, sir! Oh, please stop, master! Please, sir! Please, sir! Oh, that's enough, master! Oh, Lord! Oh, master, master! Oh, God, master, do stop! Oh, God, master! Oh, God, master!'

Pretty much like being an Uber driver.

Bowman is flippantly, and for little more than political theatrics, fabricating an equivalency between the abject horrors of slave life in the Antebellum South with working in an Amazon warehouse.

We should not be surprised. We live in an era in which enforcing immigration laws is analogized to Nazis and the Holocaust in which 6 million Jews were exterminated.

Tomato. Tomahto.

"Plantation Capitalism."

I have an idea, let's take a look at where slavery exists, oh I don't know, today?

#1 on the slavery hit parade is that socialist paradise, North Korea.

I know what you're thinking, there he goes again, calling anyone to the left of Ben Shapiro a socialist.

Maybe he just identifies as socialist.

Most of the rest of that list is made up of the kind of authoritarian states necessary for the implementation of a socialist system, although to be fair, all I have to base that on is the 100% of times socialism has been tried anywhere in the history of mankind.

So, small sample error maybe?

That chart is just the top ten, of course, there are countless others including China which clocks in around 3.8 million people living in conditions of slavery including sending ethnic minorities to internment camps.

Since spring 2017, the Chinese government has placed vast numbers of Turkic minorities into internment camps, which it refers to as "reeducation camps," in the northwestern Xinjiang region.

Under the banner of "industry-driven poverty alleviation," minorities are being torn away from their own jobs and families. Just as brainwashing is masked as "job training," forced labor is concealed behind the euphemistic facade of "poverty alleviation."

But by all means, let's equate these people's suffering with the real human tragedy of Jeff Bezos being really rich.

There are certainly global companies, including those based in the United States, that are either complicit with this or turn a blind eye towards it, but that's not capitalism.

It's criminal, and there are those who want to make it explicitly so.

In the democratic and capitalist United States, slavery is illegal.

In socialist China, it's policy.

In fact, let's take a look at the level of proactive engagement against slavery vs. poverty. There appears to be a decent correlation between poverty and slavery. A quick glance at the countries and there is also a decent correlation between socialist/authoritarian states and lower per capita GDP.

Want to hazard a guess as to what the cure for this is?

45 Million In Global Slavery, But Fortunately Capitalism Kills Slavery Stone Dead

Capitalism which creates prosperity and prosperous nations, typically democratic ones in which power is derived from the people, is the enemy of slavery.

In short, Jamaal Bowman proposes getting rid of a system that all but eliminates slavery and replace it with one that fosters it.

I'm not going to claim the current version of American capitalism is perfect, in fact, it has been infected with cronyism for some time, in which powerful companies use the government to do its bidding.

That is the natural outcome of turning the government into a favors-dispensing machine.

That does need to be fixed but it needs to be fixed by pulling power away from the state, not by giving it more.

Because all socialism does, is cut out the middle man.

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