CBS says we not only funded the Wuhan lab, but we accidentally gave them TWICE AS MUCH MONEY
· Mar 13, 2023 ·

Here's a piece of reporting that would have been real important to know, I don't know, THREE YEARS AGO!

CBS has found out that not only was the United States funding research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, but also that they were apparently bilking us and getting double funding.

Here's the report:

It's absolutely unbelievable.

Not only did the Wuhan Institute likely create Covid, but they also scammed the United States while doing it!

They double-billed us and no one realized it was happening!

Records reviewed by CBS News indicate the US government may have paid twice for projects at the Wuhan labs for the National Institute of Health and the US Agency for International Development or USAID.

It's not enough that we paid for China to create a virus that has killed millions, we overpaid them at double the rate.

Washington D.C. should be so embarrassed. Heads need to roll.

(After a fair trial, of course).

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