This here is a viral trend that the White House and FBI might call domestic extremism. And I absolutely love it.
No man could ever go through the hardships and accomplishments that women have as daughters, sisters, mothers, and wives. To say that a dude in a dress is a woman if he says he is a woman is to devalue what it means to be a woman.
These ladies understand that.
This trend was started by Bud Light's partnership with pretend "girl" Dylan Mulvaney, who is being sponsored by other big companies like Nike and KitchenAid. It seems women are tired of Fortune 500 corporations using womanface to sell their products.
Here are dozens of their stories:
Of course, there were the based Chads who had to roll in on the Chadettes with some dad humor and trolling:
(This is literally no different than what Bud Light and Dylan Mulvaney are doing, except it's funny.)