This is just such a cute little political demonstration by an angry little man:
I just sued Glock to put the homemade machine gun industry out of business.
The days of an Austrian company putting profits ahead of the safety of American residents and law enforcement officers are over.
Anybody who knows what happens next here already has the popcorn popped:

Sure enough, the comments didn't disappoint:
And yes, in case you were wondering, it is very stupid to sue a gun manufacturer because of aftermarket third-party products added to its firearms! It would be the equivalent of suing Ford because someone straight-piped their F150.
To top it all off, the AG openly admits that New Jersey already outlaws these types of guns:
The State has had longstanding strict restrictions on the possession, manufacture, or sale of machine guns, or any instrument or device adaptable for use as a machine gun. When switched to machine gun configuration by a Glock switch, Glock handguns are illegal, handheld machine guns.
Why don't you tell us a bit more about the people using said switches??
You can read our coverage of Chicago's similar lawsuit against Glock here.
This optimist, meanwhile, has identified the one bit of silver lining from this stupidity:
While this waste of tax dollars works its way through the system, let's pray the right guy is put in charge of the ATF.
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