Turns out, if you abandon godly masculinity, you turn into a soy beta cuckold who votes for your daughter's right to prostitute herself and abort your grandkids.
I have four daughters. It has never entered my mind to vote for the murder of my grandkids. I want to raise strong daughters who understand the value of human life, because that life is created and ordered by God. My daughters cannot be strong women if they do not know or respect God's values.
What kind of man would I be if I empowered them to injure their souls by murdering their own children?
Apparently the kind of man who works at a Christian university:
These soyboys celebrate the creation of a world where their family line is ended and their daughters are used by men for sexual satisfaction instead of being honored in marriage and motherhood.
We rightly joke that these feckless men-in-name-only have low testosterone, but T-levels themselves don't determine whether or not you are this kind of evil.
The difference in what kind of man you become comes down to whether you train your children to obey God and learn wisdom ... or whether you ignore God and leave your children open to the whims of the devil.
P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐