Just in case you wanted an update on how well all those "progressive" policies are working over in the warzone of Chiraq:
Nothing to see here, folks! Just a model citizen flagging a reporter and a cameraman with his gun on live TV!
A recap of crime in Chicago:
- 224 people have been murdered since January.
- Over 800 were murdered in 2021, the highest level in 25 years
- 10 people were shot, two of whom died, at a popular McDonald's just a few blocks from the tourist-packed Magnificent Mile shopping district.
Here's a Chicago neighborhood with little blue dots representing all the murders from mid-2020 until now.
Of course, not every person who gets shot dies, thanks to quick first responders and modern medicine.
The actual number of people who take a bullet every year is even higher.
And there were 3,561 shooting incidents in 2021, which is just over 300 more than were recorded in 2020 and a staggering 1,415 more shooting incidents than were recorded in the city in 2019.
It's a good thing that Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, eh?
And it's even better that Chicago has a mayor who's soft on murderous thugs!

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇