Come read the "tolerant" comments after actor Zachary Levi endorsed Donald Trump and called for love and unity
ยท Sep 30, 2024 ยท

There's a vibe shift.

Zachary Levi, the Hollywood star from the TV show Chuck and the DC Comics movie Shazam! bucked the Hollywood trend and made it clear who he wants to be the next president of the United States.

Levi was a Bobby Kennedy Jr. supporter, but things have changed.

We are here to say that we are going to take back this country. We are going to make it great again. We are going to make it healthy again. And so I stand with Bobby and I stand with Tulsi and I stand with everyone else who is standing with President Trump.

Maybe Levi never wants to work in Hollywood again. Or maybe he's just one of the good guys and refuses to be a coward.

But it's amazing to see this kind of courage when he had to know the negative press and hate it would get him.

Here were the typical responses from the "tolerant" side of the political aisle ๐Ÿ‘‡

Can't you feel the love and tolerance of the Left??

My personal favorite:

Here is Levi talking about the negative feedback, "career suicide," and the poison/lies that big government is feeding us:

You can watch the whole conversation with Levi, Tulsi Gabbard, and RFK Jr. here.

P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐Ÿ‘‡

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