How often can these climate clowns continue to get away with their attacks on Western culture in order to save the planet?

Seriously, I don't know if we've gone a single day without these absolute morons defacing some valuable work of art or disrupting people's everyday lives.
Every time I see these people on my Twitter feed I feel compelled to pour a gallon of gasoline directly into the ocean.
This took place in Amsterdam, and while I don't understand Dutch I do understand the lady in the audience repeating the words:
Stupid! Stupid!
That's exactly right, these dudes gluing themselves to priceless paintings like this one are nothing more than stupid.
They hate humanity and human achievement. They spit on civilization while trying to plunge the world into darkness in order to "save the planet."

Thankfully, these knuckleheads were arrested for their act of vandalism.
Throw 'em in jail. Throw away the key.