CNBC finds the worst states to live are the ones everyone is moving to ... because data or something.
· Jul 26, 2021 ·

Thank goodness we have CNBC to tell us where we really want to live because clearly we have no idea what we're doing. But then, we are just common citizens, simple folk really, who probably have never even been to John Georges.

For purposes of their list this year, they came up with a new set of criteria to measure how desirable a state is and included the following:

  • Level of wokeness.
  • Adoption of Marxist policies.
  • Enthusiasm for beta testing vaccines.
  • Tolerance for voter fraud.

Okay, that's not exactly their criteria.

Yes it is.

The pandemic and the push for social justice are changing the definition of quality of life. CNBC takes those changes into account in the latest America's Top States for Business study.

We now know how important public health systems and hospital capacity can be. Inclusive states value all their citizens and protect them from discrimination. And corporate America has spoken loudly, as well as quietly behind the scenes, against restrictive voting laws.

I don't think it's the pandemic and "the push for social justice" that's redefining quality of life so much as it is CNBC who is redefining quality of life.

Before we dig into the rankings, let's see how CNBC's rankings stack up to the rankings made by people who do not work at CNBC.

Here is their list of worst states, from least worst to absolutely mostest worst.

  • Indiana
  • Louisiana
  • Arkansas
  • Alabama
  • Georgia
  • Tennessee
  • Missouri
  • Nevada
  • Texas
  • Arizona

Half the states on CNBC's "worst" list made the top 10 in population growth during the Covid pandemic, Georgia, Texas, Arizona, Tennessee, and Nevada, with Texas, Arizona, and Georgia, ranking 1, 3, and 5, respectively. The rest are all above average in population growth with the lone exception of Louisiana.

Note that CNBC had also released a list of the 10 best places to live about a week ago using the same criteria. Of those, only one state managed to rank above 26th in the nation in population growth during the pandemic, Washington. The rest were ranked in the 30s and 40s.

It's almost as if people who are making real, lasting decisions that affect the lives of themselves and their families are making different decisions than journalism majors living in Manhattan.

Let's take a look at a few of these states and see if you can follow the logic. (Spoiler warning: You can't.)

Indiana comes in as the least worst state of the ten worst states.

The Hoosier State ranks 48th in public health funding per capita, according to the United Health Foundation, spending a paltry $55 per person in 2020.

Got that? They haven't socialized medicine enough.

Want to know what CNBC lists as their sole "strength?"

Strength: Hospital resources

Strong hospital system, lack of socialized medicine.

If you're thinking of making a connection between the two, I don't think you're supposed to do that.

The state also placed "new limits on mail voting."

Think about that for a moment. The republic survived for about 250 years without widespread mail-in voting (limited to people with specific reasons such as military service) and yet placing any kind of "limit" (such as verification that they are a valid voter) on the practice is now considered "restrictive."

That reminds me, did you know that Pringles no longer offers Sloppy Joe-flavored chips? That leaves me with, what? Maybe a couple dozen other choices?

I feel like I should organize a protest for equity in overly processed potato chip-like products.

Indiana was also knocked for having a low rate of uptake of the Covid vaccines. (I should note the Manhattan wokesters are absolutely obsessed with this. I can picture them with their Anthony Fauci bobble heads and "I got vaccinated buttons" dutifully wearing three face masks while compiling the data alone in their living rooms.)

Why did Tennessee make the list?

Apparently they lost "inclusiveness" points based on the fact that they would prefer biological men not play sports currently reserved for women, share locker rooms with your teenage daughter, or permit quacks to perform irreversible life-altering procedures on minors too young to drink, purchase tobacco products, or sign a legally binding contract.

Tennessee lawmakers took aim at the state's transgender population in a big way in 2021, passing a flurry of bills including a ban on transgender girls participating in girls' sports, restrictions on the use of public bathrooms and school locker rooms, and a ban on gender-affirming care for minors.

And yes, low Covid vaccination rates. In fact, Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, and Georgia all got dinged for that.

As for Texas, the only reason the much-reviled lone star state did not take the top spot was because of the bravery and sacrifice of the democratic state legislators who who fled to DC on Air Force 19.

Texas Democrats thwarted a bill that would have further restricted voting in a state that is already, by some measures, the hardest to vote in. That likely saved the Lone Star State from finishing at the bottom of this list...

Who took the top worst spot?

Arizona, the state that had the third-highest gain in population during Covid.

CNBC's Columbia School of Journalism interns really hate Arizona.

Strength: Arizona scored poorly in all metrics

To return to the beginning of the piece for a moment, CNBC introduced their list with this:

If one of these ten states is your home, you may beg to differ. But based on the data, these are America's worst places to live.

"Based on the data."

They love data so much, they manufacture it on site!

This is how they describe their methodology for putting together their Top States for Business, which used similar criteria to determine quality of life:

CNBC's Top States for Business is not an opinion survey. We gather empirical data on the states' performance in each metric, using the most recent figures available.

You see, they're just totally objective data scientists gathering empirical evidence in each metric, those metrics having been changed to fit a woke narrative as favored by the left and that just so happens to be heavily weighted against conservative states.

You see, defining conservative values as being objectively less desirable is not an opinion. Not at all! It's data, and metrics and empirical and stuff!!

The new category, Life, Health and Inclusion, still looks at traditional quality of life measures like crime rates, health care and environmental quality. Now, we also look more closely at health-care resources and the states' progress in ending the pandemic. In addition to the state economic development websites we review annually to weight the categories, this year we reviewed special Covid-19 resource pages that many states established. We also pay greater attention than ever to equity and inclusion — not only in this category, but throughout the study.

This deserves to be emphasized:

We also pay greater attention than ever to equity and inclusion — not only in this category, but throughout the study.

"Equity" and "inclusion" are value words and purely, 100% subjective.

Keeping that in mind let's take one more look at how they introduced their list.

If one of these ten states is your home, you may beg to differ. But based on the data, these are America's worst places to live.

This is how you destroy the credibility of data, of science, and of objectivity itself, which as it so happens is itself an objective.

Consider it a two-fer: CNBC not only lied (or deluded themselves) about this just being "based on data" and therefore beyond question despite injecting pure and obvious bias into their lists, they also, in abandoning journalistic objectivity, are helping to dismantle oppressive white supremacy power structures.

The more they insist it's "data" and "science" in an attempt to shut you up, the more skeptical you should become.

It's only when someone has real data and real science that they can make a real argument. Otherwise, feel free to stop listening.

(Thanks to @SDH for the tip!)

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