Can't make it up: After Roe leak, CNN warns of violence ... from "the far-right"
ยท May 7, 2022 ยท

CNN, the Crown Jewel of Clown-World Journalisming, delivered one for the ages yesterday as New Day host Talkeyhead McTalkFace kicked off a segment by warning of potential violence should Roe v. Wade be overturned. Which, yes, true, the Left will riot, we all know that's true. But no, Mr. McTalkFace said to prepare for violence from "the far right":

That's right, he said it. Police are bracing for violence ... from the far right. How is this reeeaaal.

And just look at that serious and somber visage:

I hate to paint with a broad brush, I really do, but if you take CNN seriously โ€” like even a little bit โ€” you need to reevaluate a lot of things in your life.

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