I think we're being too hard on younger generations
· Oct 26, 2023 · NottheBee.com

I can hear it now, the boomers are already lined up to call me "soft" or whatever, but I don't care.

I think we're too hard on the kids today.

In conservative circles, TikTok videos of young women, in particular, are floating around describing their lives in tragic terms.

We covered one recently here:

The theme of the critiques on these videos is something like this: "Young woman discovers that real life is tough! What a snowflake!"

But I watch this video and I feel sympathy for this girl.

She bought the feminist lie that the most important thing for a woman is to go to college, get a good job, move up the corporate ladder, and work full-time.

I'm sorry, I know it's controversial to say it, but many women, indeed most women, aren't wired for a 9-5 corporate life.

I don't have time or energy to cook my dinner... I don't have energy to work out... the 9-5 schedule in general is crazy...! I literally get off and it's pitch black, I don't have energy. How do you have friends, how do you have time to meet a guy? I don't have time for anything! I am so stressed out!

Now, I am not saying it's okay to go online and complain about your life. What I am saying is that there's something to these complaints.

This is a young woman who, after buying the lie, realizes that she can't have it all. And she is realizing it sooner than many career women who put off family until they're in their 30s and it's sometimes too late.

And when we see young women like this, what solution do conservatives offer?

"Toughen up buttercup! Welcome to the REAL world!"

What about an ACTUAL conservative solution? Like, I don't know, creating family, dating, and community structures that protect women and allow them to flourish without having to embrace the 9-5 grind?

Here's what I mean: For all of human history, society was ordered in a way where women didn't have to be "boss babes" with long commutes in order to be considered a success. But today, even conservatives treat women like they're men.

I thought we were the people that understood the differences between the sexes. (But I guess that's just for sports.)

Another video that made the rounds recently was this one:

The conservative response: "She's 25 and lives with her parents?? She's a moocher and needs to get a job!"

The response of culture prior to the 1960s: "Of course she still lives with her parents. Parents have a responsibility to take care of their daughters until they find a husband!"

We would rather see THIS girl suffering like the girl in the previous video than to see her remain a happy and content daughter.

If this were a dude, I'd say get out and find a job! He needs some tough love. But in what way would throwing your daughter out to live in the corporate machinery of a big city be good parenting?

You don't need your daughter to be lazy, unemployed, and unproductive if she's still living at home. She needs to contribute to the economy of the household. I'm not saying she just sits around waiting for Prince Charming. She should "work vigorously," as Psalm 31 says. But it's a totally modern idea for parents to stop parenting their daughters when they reach 18 and cast them out into the world in the name of "equality."

Again, I thought we knew the differences between the sexes.

It's not just biological.

Daughters are different than sons and treating them like boys with tough love isn't a solution.

So come at me, boomers!

The kids are not alright and we are making things worse!

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