Do yourself a favor and look through all the photos in this American Realty listing on Facebook.
The 3 bed, 2 bath house in Russelville, Alabama looks like such an unsuspecting house from the outside.
But just take a quick peek inside, and you'll soon realize that the current owners of the home are the world's most devoted Alabama fans.
My favorite part of this listing is how American Realty does not acknowledge in the least the crimson visual assault that is about to happen when you click through all the photos.

Literally every. single. room. in this house is decorated in University of Alabama gear, from the comforters on the beds, to the custom-made curtains throughout the house, to the cookie jar on the kitchen counter, and the napkins on the dining table.
They even have an assortment of concrete elephants for the patio.
I feel like the decor could definitely be a selling point for a very specific demographic (which is plentiful in the state of Alabama) but the listing doesn't say whether the decoration is staying or going.
As one commenter said,