Yes, yes it can.
U.K. woman, Wendy Armstrong, recently shared a great picture of her 6-month-old daughter, Daisy at the Lake District Coast Aquarium.
Daisy is cute on her own, but a photobombing stingray PERFECTLY matching Daisy's serious expression makes the photo 1,000,000 times cuter.
There you have it, the world's best photobomb.
At least the best one performed by a stingray.
The proud mom told SWNS,
"It is definitely up there as one of our favorite pictures that we have of our kids. I had my phone out, and when I saw they were both pulling the same miserable facial expression I burst out laughing and took a photo."
I'm sure the Armstrong's had never been told that their daughter resembled a stingray...but the resemblance is undeniable and surprisingly cute.