Crime in DC is getting so insane that perps are stealing people’s lap dogs after pistol-whipping them
· Oct 26, 2023 ·

Seriously — this would read like a bad joke if it weren't so terrifying and enraging:

Zareena Ahmed's dog, a 14-year-old Westie named Max was taken from her during a walk around 10 p.m. Saturday night. ...

Ahmed says a man approached her, showed a gun and demanded the dog.

Ahmed said no. In an ensuing struggle, she believes he hit her on the forehead with the gun, leading to multiple stitches.

A man in a vehicle eventually pulled up; Ahmed thought he was there to help, but this is Washington we're talking about, and so "the driver got out, wrestled Max away, and the two men sped off."

I don't know about you, but that makes me very angry.

Here's the pup in question, Max:

Who steals a 14-year-old lap dog? A deranged lunatic, of which there seem to be a fair bit wandering the streets of our cities these days, particularly our Democratic-run cities.

Ahmed, meanwhile, wants what anyone in her situation would want:

"I just want him home. I don't care about the assault, I don't care about the people that did this. I just want my dog back. He's part of the family."

She might have some hope of getting him back, if the police are willing to look into it. It's a bit harder to conceal a stolen dog than it is a stolen TV or bike.

Unfortunately, police in D.C. and elsewhere have a whole host of terrible crimes to deal with these days. Dognapping, as miserable and evil as it is, might be far down on their list. It's hard to get to stuff like this when you're dealing with a concurrent increase in murders, assaults, rapes and other crimes.

Hopefully this woman gets her dog back — and hopefully our cities stop their rapid descent into depraved anarchy.

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