This congressman apparently thinks using our police resources to keep kids from seeing porn will allow Russia to sneak in and overthrow democracy 🤔
· Mar 9, 2023 ·

Here's a Democrat saying that if you want to make it harder for kids to access porn then you're basically a Putin stooge.

That's not an exaggeration. It's not satire.

Now we're really worried about protecting children from seeing nudity online. Apparently that is of such paramount importance that we don't care if Vladimir Putin has a red carpet to interfere in our elections. We don't care if people arre threatening to assault people online, sexual assault, we don't care if people are sending death threats online, no we need to protect our children from seeing some nudity. That is what is so important that we need an amendment on the floor.

Okay, first off, there is no Russian election interference, okay? So let's get that out of the way.

No Republican wants Putin to interfere in our elections AND it's a made-up issue.

Also, yes, it IS more important to keep our kids from seeing nudity (in actuality it's pornography) online. That's actually, after keeping kids protected from being abused in porn, the most important thing when it comes to the internet.

It's only like the leading mental health epidemic in the entire nation. Entire generations of young men are being completely destroyed by porn. I would actually be much happier if that was the nation's #1 priority.

In fact, I will vote for the first Republican who comes out in favor of outlawing porn. It's that important.

These Democrats obviously don't care at all about kids if they think preventing their access to pornography is trivial or of less importance than some fantasy Russian election interference.

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