Michigan lawmaker reports $221 campaign spending at strip club, calls it "constituent meeting"
· Jul 29, 2021 · NottheBee.com

Wow, this guy right here is the epitome of a loser, and I don't feel bad saying it.

This is Democratic State Representative Jewell Jones out of Inkster, which is in the Detroit suburbs on the way to Ann Arbor.

And before we get to that story, let's check out this video because Rep. Jones really believes he is above the law and can just drive drunk and swerve all over the freeway without giving two hoots about it. He even name-drops Queen Whitmer to try and get out of the DUI.

Yup, just casually sitting there all fancy-looking as if he did nothing wrong in resisting arrest and threatening officers financially—not to mention deceiving the courts and violating his bond.

But this strip club nonsense is beyond comprehension. And if I'm one of this guy's donors I'm over here wondering what the absolute heck I was thinking in supporting him.

Yeah, this dude just don't care. Not a bit.

He refers to the $221 meeting as a "constituent meeting to discuss potential economic projects in Inkster," which just shows you how slick this bozo really thinks he is.

And do you want to know what he had to say about SPENDING CAMPAIGN MONEY—221 DOLLARS OF IT—AT A STRIP CLUB?!?!?

"We have (to) meet people where they're at some times ... He added that the club had "great lamb chops."

Great lamb chops?

Now you're trolling me, bro.

And I don't really like it when people troll me.

Especially when I'm throwing campaign money at them.

So Mr. Jones, you're one of the slimiest people I've ever heard of. And you work for the people of Michigan, who do not do bullbird.

Jewell Jones...

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