Democrats in D.C. are vowing to stay the course after the party's catastrophic defeat in Virginia and all we can say is, "Yes, please, go right ahead!"
· Nov 3, 2021 ·

Democrats got absolutely squashed in Virginia's elections this week, taking a drubbing of historic proportions and delivering a message to the Democratic establishment that should strike fear into the party's heart even with next year's midterms over a year away. Democratic leadership needs to be restructuring its messaging and its coalitions as quickly as it possibly can.

So naturally they're just gonna double down:

REPORTER: Does [the brutal Democratic loss in Virginia] change the agenda for the House?

Pelosi: No. No.

LOL! Good luck with that, Nance!

Meanwhile, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine basically threw House Democrats under the bus while still indicating that Democrats on Capitol Hill will stay the course:

Kaine said McAuliffe was a "solid candidate."

"I think it was on the shoulders of Democrats here who have the majority," he said. "People had a lot of hope for Joe Biden and the Joe Biden agenda, but Democrats didn't want to give Biden a win," he said.

He continued to say that he thinks the responsibility is shared between all congressional Democrats...

Kaine also pushed back on the idea that the result in Virginia was a rejection of Democrats' proposed sweeping social policy changes.

"No, they would love, absolutely love like pre K and childcare, are you kidding me that's exactly what suburban parents are hungry for, especially after a tough pandemic," he said.

Yeah let's not reflect on what happened at all in Virginia, Tim old buddy. You just keep on playing that harmonica like nothing's going wrong.

Seriously though, if Democrats wanna just keep on being Democrats all the way through 2024 that'll be just fine.

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