Ayanna Pressley Proposes Bill To "Expand Ballot Box" To Convicted Felons, 16-Year-Olds In Order To Save Democracy
· Dec 6, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Democrats have come up with a new plan to steal all future elections.

I mean "eXpAnD voTiNg riGhTs"!!

Check out Ayanna Pressley's announcement of a new bill, the Inclusive Democracy Act, that would expand the right to vote to convicted criminals and kids as young as 16.

Because of Republicans and the Supreme Court stopping at nothing to undermine voting rights and exclude black and brown folks from participating in our democracy we must be just as relentless in protecting and expanding access to the ballot box including for incarcerated citizens.

According to Pressley, Republican bills that make it harder to vote illegally by requiring identification make it harder for black people to vote.

Because these racist Republicans want to protect the votes of citizens and require basic standards of identification used everywhere from the public library to the grocery store, Pressley has decided that it is essential to save black people by allowing criminals to vote.

Am I crazy or is that DOUBLE racist?

Jim Crow is not behind us when the former occupant of the White House can lead a violent insurrection and still run for president while nearly five million citizens can have a criminal record and not even cast a ballot.

Oh yeah, she's totally saying that all criminals are black people.

Is this her way of trying to stop the black exodus away from the Democrats??

[Language in the next two]

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