Did you know acne is racist now?
· Dec 6, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Yo, I found y'all a new variety of racism.

Yes, my people, acne is racist now.


Y'all ready for this?

For the study, the team used stock photos of four adults, both men and women, with light or dark skin tones. These images were digitally modified to depict mild and severe acne, resulting in 12 different portraits. An online survey of over 1,300 participants then evaluated reactions to these images, assessing stigmatizing attitudes.

The survey reveals that participants were less inclined to form friendships, engage in close contact, or share photos on social media with individuals who had severe acne. The desire for social distancing was more pronounced towards those with acne and darker skin tones.

Additionally, respondents were more likely to associate negative stereotypes with people having severe acne, perceiving them as unhygienic, unattractive, unintelligent, and untrustworthy. This stereotype endorsement was even stronger for individuals with darker skin.

I'd never thought of it that way before. Maybe acne is racist …

Sorry, you can't hear my tone of voice — that was sarcasm.

These people at Study Finds — and they claim to be "agenda-free" — expect us to believe that acne is racist now because BIPOCs receive more stigma from it.

That's just insane!

Next thing we know we'll be told that the term "pizza face" is racist too.

My goodness, the world we live in is hilarious.

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