I've got some high quality entertainment for you folks this morning. President Biden and Elon Musk had a little squabble last night over taxes, and it ended up with Biden on the mat.
The action started with this tweet from the president:
Bold claim there Joe. The average billionaire only pays 3%?
Well, in response to that tweet, billionaire Elon Musk put on his based-Tony-Stark suit and tweeted back:
First off, imagine paying 53% in taxes on billions and billions of dollars that you earned – parting in one year with more money than the vast majority of the country will pay in taxes in all of our lifetimes combined. Also imagine paying more taxes than anyone in the history of the world two year in a row and still being demonized for being rich. Is that "basic fairness"?
Secondly, Community Notes, if you don't know, is a feature Elon brought to Twitter that is basically a crowd-sourced (and open source) fact-checker.
So Elon called on Community Notes to check out Biden's 3% claim ... and they delivered:
So yeah that crowd-sourced fact-check is now permanently appended to Biden's original tweet. 🤣🤣
Mortal Kombat voice...