Enjoy the internet's best roasts of AOC for faking handcuffs when she was arrested at the Supreme Court
· Jul 20, 2022 · NottheBee.com

AOC and the Squad love themselves a photo op.

If you missed it, AOC and multiple Dem politicians were arrested in a group that was blocking traffic outside the Supreme Court in an abortion protest.

(And by "arrested," I mean cops led them gently away and then fined them like $50)

The internet, of course, responded, and because I love you I felt obliged to bring you the saltiest and spiciest reactions.


AOC defended her self on social media Tuesday, saying she was never faking having handcuffs.

Yeah, okay. Except if the officers had deemed you a threat, they would have issued verbal commands and wouldn't have had you conceal your hands near your waist. Occam's Razor posits that you simply loved the cameras!

And guys, she even posted a picture of her "arrest" paperwork, which is actually just a ticket in lieu of an arrest. 🤣

Of course, how she was able to tweet this without the invisible key to her handcuffs is beyond me!

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