Christian entrepreneurs start "ProLifeBank" to fund Christian charities instead of Planned Parenthood
· Jul 27, 2021 ·

This new "ProLifeBank" is exactly what it sounds like.

Christian evangelist and entrepreneur Nick Vujicic announced he is co-starting ProLifeBank, which will give "50% of net profits to Judeo-Christian-aligned-nonprofit organizations to further the Kingdom of God."

"Most major banks and many more support the largest abortion providers in the nation, meaning your banking dollars may support ending innocent life. ProLifeBank (Proposed) never will," the bank's website reads.

Vujicic said 90% of banks "give philanthropically toward abortion."


Is this for real?

"Bank of America's charitable foundation gave over $50,000 to Planned Parenthood affiliates across the United States in 2017," The Daily Wire reports. "Morgan Stanley, American Express, and other financial institutions match employees' donations to the organization and give grants to support 'volunteer' efforts."

That's a big "YIKES," if you ask me.

The so-called "philanthropic" support of abortion from banks isn't the only issue, though.

There is an increasing number of instances of banks or E-commerce services blocking exchanges with companies or groups it deems "extreme."

"In 2019, I received a letter from a major bank notifying me that they do not want any affiliation with me or my business," Vujicic said. "This bank formally refused to explain why. I also learned my bank gave to organizations that terminate innocent life which does not align with my Christian values."

This type of financial blacklisting seems to be increasingly more common.

For example, PayPal and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) just announced they're going to "Fight Extremism" on financial platforms. Everything hinges on what their operative definition of "extremism" is, and I don't have my hopes high on that being a proper definition if this in collaboration with ADL.

"I believe all human beings are sacred image-bearers of God," said ProLifeBank co-founder Betsy Gray. "[I]n 2018 our non-profit looked to do business with a bank that did not philanthropically support the largest non-profit organization that terminates innocent human life."

She's referring to Planned Parenthood, by the way, which calls baby murder (i.e., "abortion") an act of "healthcare." Imagine considering that a philanthropic cause for charity.

"After three weeks of research, our Board Treasurer was quite shocked to report; there was NOT such a bank in our city," Gray said. "After much lamenting and prayer, I felt called by God to start a pro-life bank that not only supports the lives of unborn children but also is aligned with all of God's principles - and ProLifeBank (Proposed) was born."

I, for one, hope this bank lives up to its name.

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