Eric Adams declares war on meat and dairy to reduce emissions and save the planet

Harris Rigby

Apr 18, 2023

New York elected a heck of a mayor, didn't they?

Here Eric Adams announces that daddy government is here to take care of you and control what you can and cannot eat in New York.

NYC has officially declared war on meat and dairy.

Eric Adams is going to save the planet by cutting back the intake of meat and dairy of New Yorkers.

The radical climate crazies are running the asylum now.

All food is not created equal. The vast majority of food that is contributing to our emission crisis lies in meat and dairy products.

It's the cow farts, isn't it? Eric Adams is declaring war essentially on the rest of New York state where cattle roam the countryside because his big city with millions of people is emitting too much carbon.

This policy is aimed to put the clampdown on regular, normal New Yorkers and Americans who don't live in polluted cities like New York.

Adams then goes on to spew pseudo-science talking points about how a plant-based diet is better for you and the planet.

We already know that a plant-powered diet is better for your physichal and mental health, and I am living proof of that. But the reality is that... it is better for the planet.

Eric Adams is on a "plant-powered" diet? Well, now it's all starting to make sense.

How about that? The mayor's own personal lifestyle choice and the lifestyle of wacky libs everywhere just so happens to be better for the planet! What a coincidence.

It's almost like climate policies are designed to benefit those in power and punish the everyday working man.

Of course, you can always eat ze bugs.

Eric Adam's plan is to reduce food-based emissions by a third over the next seven years. Meaning that he wants to take away your cheeseburgers, New Yorkers.

No more of this:

Eric Adams, with a straight face, tried to tell New Yorkers to stop eating meat and dairy and go full vegan in order to save the planet.

Democrats in 2023, ladies and gentlemen!

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