Remember when Merriam-Webster updated their definition of "female" to erase women?
We all complained about it, but Jeremy Hanson took it a step further. He sent a message to Merriam Webster in the comments saying that he was going to
shoot up and bomb your offices for lying and creating fake definitions in order to pander to the tranny mafia.
The Department of Justice took Hanson's threat seriously and arrested him for a hate crime in March 2022. And Hanson was just convicted of that hate crime and sentenced to one year in federal prison.
On the one hand, what Hanson said was pretty awful. On the other, I've seen much worse than that everyday on Twitter directed toward conservatives making jokes and Christians speaking the truth.
For example, someone told the Conservative Dad's beer guy,
"I want to gut you like a fish."
I mean that seems pretty similar, right?
However, on the Department of Justice's Hate Crime website, I don't see any prosecutions of those threats.
In fact, when a man claiming to be woman didn't just threaten, but actually performed hate crimes against Christian pregnancy centers, the Department of Justice recommended no jail time.
Yet, a man that posted some threatening comments about the destruction of the meaning in the English language but did not follow through on those threats gets one year in prison.
To be clear, I'm not saying that there shouldn't be consequences for threatening to murder people; that's atrocious.
I'm calling for equal application of the law.
I'm calling for a return to Civil Rights and the end of discrimination in our nation, but that's a lot to ask for these days.