Okay, so there's obvious an F-bomb in this, but Megyn Kelly has thoughts:
A few other quotes from her show (the whole thing is really worth the watch):
He mocked the idea of natural immunity, eliminating the need for his beloved, mandatory vaccines. Despite admitting years earlier that natural immunity is in fact the gold standard. His unexplained reversal cost millions their livelihoods. As of October of 2021, 5 percent of unvaccinated adults said they had lost a job due to a vaccine mandate, according to the Kaiser Foundation.
Those who questioned Dr. Science and his approach to the pandemic? Evil. Like those who put together the Great Barrington Declaration, doctors from Stanford, Oxford, Harvard. They questioned Fauci's lockdown push. They said an approach based on focused protection in which we protect the most vulnerable – the elderly, the immunocompromised – makes sense, but we let others live their lives, that's what we need. And what did Fauci do? He conspired with his boss [Francis Collins] at the NIH to smear these good doctors.
The learning loss, especially among poor kids – does he care about them? The suicidality of isolated teenagers, many of whom unfortunately succeeded in taking their own lives. The lack of language development and social skills in kids forced to masks for the better part of TWO years.
But Fauci's biggest lie was told under oath when he testified before Congress that his group at the NIH never funded gain of function research in Wuhan, China. The kind that experiments on bat coronavirus to try to make them more lethal or more transmissible in humans.
Fauci has been protected from the flames for two years by powerful allies. How much longer do you think they'll keep protecting him as anger like this keeps growing?
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