FBI arrests would-be assassin who applied for a job at the satirical site RentAHitman.com
· Apr 19, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Remember when that lady got arrested for trying to hire a hitman on the satirical site RentAHitman.com?

It's awfully funny that anyone would be taken in by this website.

It has all kinds of in-your-face nuance that gives it away as a joke, like being 100% HIPPA compliant; that's the Hitman Information Privacy & Protection Act of 1964 (HIPPA).

Or the disclaimer that reads:

Rent-A-Hitman is no longer affiliated with Diners Club, the Detroit Lions, the Illuminati, Donald Trump,

Kyle Rittenhouse, Carole Baskin, or Vladimir Putin due to contractual restrictions.

Here's their top man, Guido, with a cheesy commercial:

And yet, the satirical website is making headlines again because someone else mistook it for a real assassination service.

This time National Guardsman Josiah Garcia applied for a job to be an assassin.

According to an affidavit, Garcia wrote this in his application:

"Why I want this Job? Im looking for a job, that pays well, related to my military experience (Shooting and Killing the marked target) so I can support my kid on the way. What can I say, I enjoy doing what I do, so if I can find a job that is similar to it, (such as this one) put me in coach!"

When it became apparent that Garcia wasn't joking around, the FBI got involved with an agent posing as a hitman coordinator.

Garcia said that he would be good as a hitman because he was an excellent shot and had zero qualms about torturing people, cutting off ears and fingers — the usual stuff.

The agent then set up a meeting in a park with Garcia, where he was handed $2500 in cash (the first of two installments) and a fictional mark to be assassinated.

Garcia accepted the offer, and he was arrested later the same day.

Sounds like this would-be assassin is about to change careers, moving from killing people to killing time — in prison.

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