Finally, some good news
· Feb 24, 2024 ·

Finally, some good news from the hacks over at NBC!

In August of last year, A Georgia school board fired Katie Rinderle because she read an LGBT "affirming" book about a non-binary child to her classroom.

This week, the Georgia Board of Education upheld the firing, deciding that the local board was well within its rights to, you know, not let teachers groom kids.

Here's how NBC framed the initial firing and this decision to allow parents and their elected officials to have standards for what is taught in school.

The case has drawn wide attention as a test of what public school teachers can teach in class, how much a school system can control teachers and whether parents can veto instruction they dislike. It comes amid a nationwide conservative backlash to books and teaching about LGBTQ subjects in school.

Oh man, it's such an attack on LGBT folks to ... not let teachers talk to kids about sex and gender politics? I guess?

What a travesty of justice that middle-aged white women can't signal their virtue by confusing kids about sex and gender at a young age.

Actually, it's not a tragedy. It's common sense. I think the Bee CEO Seth Dillon summed it up nicely:

Yeah, it's good for teachers who defy the law and read inappropriate material to kids to be fired.

The book in question is "My Shadow is Purple" by Scott Stuart which is about a young kid who identifies as non-binary. It's written to promote gender confusion and "tolerance" and was, obviously, read to the fifth-grade class to promote deviant gender and sex ideology.

Since this teacher was fired, the schools in her district have been working to remove all books that promote LGBT lifestyle and politics on kids.

It sounds like the law is doing its job!

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