Sixty-five years ago, a student at Portland State University in Oregon checked out a first edition of the book 1984 while it was still a futuristic dystopian novel.
The actual year 1984 has long passed now, and the library patron returned the book to the Multnomah County Library in Portland, with a note detailing why he decided to finally return it so long overdue.
I meant to return this book in 1958 when I about to graduate from PSU, but somehow never got around to doing it.
After re-reading, I realize that now, more than ever, this book should be put back in circulation. Significant parts are as relevant today as they were 65 years ago. (e.g. the opening text on page 207: Simply add the words internet and social media and you reading about 2023.
Sorry to be so tardy. At age 86, I wanted to finally clear my conscience.
May 16, 2023
I'm sure the plot of 1984 is especially apt if you live in Portland, Oregon. But thankfully Portland doesn't charge fines for overdue books anymore, so I guess it all worked out in the end.
Hopefully, the book will find some new readers after its long stay at one appreciative reader's home.