Florida reports lowest daily COVID cases per capita in US and I wonder if DeSantis Derangement Syndrome will ever stop
· Nov 29, 2021 · NottheBee.com

Florida has reported a daily average of 1,393 coronavirus cases on Friday (or six positive cases for every 100,000 people in the state), which is a two percent decrease over the last two weeks.

Michigan leads the nation in daily coronavirus cases per capita. New York reports a daily average of 6,666 cases (or 34 cases for every 100,000 people in the state).

"It just shows once again the success of Governor DeSantis's science-based and data-based policies," said DeSantis' Press Secretary Christina Pushaw.

"He's always made decisions based on the data and that continued even during the Delta surge this summer what he realized would help was not mask mandates in school or lockdowns but provide treatment that actually works."

"He opened the 25 state-supported monoclonal antibody sites and provided that treatment all over the state free of charge to over 150,000 Floridians, saved thousands of lives, and that happened starting in August."

"Since then, our cases are down by over 95% with no restrictions on people's freedom."

Pushaw also said she "hopes" other states will "learn from Florida's experience" by promoting treatments that work and not lockdowns which "we've seen time and time again" do not work.

But yeah, keep telling me how Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is literally the "angel of death". 🥱

Meanwhile, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo have been touted as the best of the best when regarding coronavirus policy.

Remember when then-presidential candidate Joe Biden said Whitmer is the best governor in the U.S.? Remember when Cuomo won an Emmy for his coronavirus daily press briefings and even had the gall to write a book about his wonderful leadership at the outset of the COVID Craziness Era?

Good times!

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