For those of us still desperately holding out hope for Lecrae ... he made something very clear yesterday

May 8, 2021

Lecrae — former stalwart, unashamed, Bible-believing, evangelizing, gospel-preaching, heavyweight Christian rapper — has fallen victim to the false promises of CRTanity ... and he apparently wants us all to know it.

This exchange really happened yesterday:

If you don't know Kyle Howard, the guy Lecrae replied to ... good. You would do well to keep it that way. Suffice it to say that he is a walking, talking critical race theory apologist, serial slanderer of faithful Christians, race-baiter extraordinaire, shameless attention-lady-of-the-night, and, I swear to you, as flagrantly and unapologetically RACIST as any other single person you can find on Twitter.

(But he does all of this it in the name of "justice," of course. Remember: You can be racist as long as you call yourself "antiracist" while you're doing it.)

So Howard tweeted that he won't go walk down the aisle to get his diploma from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary because even the mere sight of the campus is "trauma triggering" for him. Good grief, he's really serious. He's so desperate for attention and virtual head-pats.

And who decides to give him some?



The man who used to rap, "Lord kill me if I don't preach the gospel!" and "They say 'Tone the music down, you might sell a lot of records,' but there's people out here dying and none of 'em heard the message!"

[Narrator: After rapping these bars, Lecrae did, indeed, proceed to tone the music down and sell a lot of records.]

Look again at what he tweeted back at Howard, with SBTS tagged.

  • Lecrae really, truly, and honestly called Southern Baptist Theological Seminary — one of the largest Protestant seminaries in America (if not the largest, depending on how you measure it) — and all the Christians there pagan Egyptian enslavers of God's people.
  • And Lecrae really, truly, and honestly called Kyle J. Howard — proud white-people-hating racist — Moses, deliverer of God's people.

Lecrae just said Bible-based evangelical Christianity is a false religion and critical-race-theory-skin-color-worship is the true path to God.

(If you've ever flipped through Howard's Twitter feed, you'll know I'm not exaggerating about the skin-color worship.)

And I'm over here like ... I can't believe that really just happened.

It makes me so sad.

And of course you're not allowed to criticize it. This post you're reading is a big no-no. Because what will they call it? What will they call me? The dreaded R-word.

Any criticism of Wokeism, no matter how level-headed or logical, is just brushed off as "racism" to identity-group worshipers.

Wokeism is a contagious mind virus and I hate it so much. It's a scheme of the devil to shipwreck faith in Jesus. I know so many people who were significantly influenced by Lecrae back when he used to rap about the gospel — myself included. It's simply gut-wrenching to see him fly off the rails like this and flop headlong into melanin worship.

God help him!

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