HERO: Ex-convict John Phillip Lally dragged a shot cop to safety in the middle of a Texas-highway shootout. The video should inspire us all. ๐Ÿ˜ค
ยท Nov 16, 2023 ยท NottheBee.com


[Warning: Violence]

Our hero's name is John Phillip Lally, and when he saw an accident ahead of him on Highway 59 in Houston he couldn't help it - he put his truck in park and made his way to the scene looking to help anyone in need. Dude's already a hero at this point โ€” but it got much, much more intense.

Before he could make it to the scene, he heard gunshots. But even that didn't stop him.

See, police had been chasing down a carjacker (typical day in Houston, right?) and this carjacker was the cause of the accident. Lally wasn't aware of this, but once he heard gunshots his man instincts kicked in. He noticed a police officer down with a gunshot wound, and he sprung into action, dragging the officer to safety.

I just kinda ran over there and I grabbed that guy with the other police officer and me and him together we grabbed him by his vest and we dragged him behind the truck and I kind of tucked him underneath the truck so he wouldn't get shot again.

Man, they do it differently in Texas. Dude literally went running into a shootout in order to help this man to safety. Once behind Lally's truck, the officer was able to receive medical treatment, which probably saved his life.

Lally said after the shootout, "If y'all see somebody that you can help, help them. That's the main moral of the story."

Lally is an ex-con with an extensive criminal record who has turned his life around and now runs a T-shirt company. Anyone, in the deepest of lows, can turn it around.

Let this man be an inspiration to you if you're in one of those slumps we sometimes find ourselves in. Choose courage. ๐Ÿ˜ค

Meanwhile, the carjacker-turned-shooter lost his life in the shootout, which, even though he's the bad guy, is tough to hear. I kinda had hoped this criminal would be moved by Lally's story and maybe become a hero himself someday. Sadly, not gonna happen.

I'll leave you with the uncut video Lally took after everything was over.

P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐Ÿ‘‡

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