These four New Hampshire daycare workers were arrested for sprinkling melatonin on children's food
ยท May 18, 2024 ยท

In-home daycare owner Sally Dreckmann, 52, of Manchester, New Hampshire, and three of her employees are being charged with 10 counts of endangering the welfare of a child after it was found that they were lacing the food they gave to the children in their care with melatonin.

Along with the daycare owner, employees Traci Innie, 51, Jessica Foster, 23, and Kaitlin Filardo, 23 were arrested.

I can't help but note, that Filardo also has a very conspicuous 5 o'clock shadow for someone named Kaitlin ...

After looking at their mugshots, I'm honestly surprised that melatonin was the only questionable substance found in the children's food.

People actually paid their hard-earned money (or more likely, your tax dollars) for these four weirdos to take care of their precious babies!

I've known a parent or two to give their children melatonin to help them fall asleep easier, but drugging kids without parental consent is obviously a pretty bad idea, not to mention criminal behavior, as these four now know.

A spokesperson for the Manchester Police Department, told WDHD,

This is an over-the-counter drug that can be given as a sleep aid, but for it to be given to children without the knowledge or consent of the parents, it's very concerning.

The Manchester Police Department was alerted of unsafe practices at the daycare last Fall, which led to the investigation and ultimately to the arrest of the four daycare workers.

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